Student from Tower Hamlets College, 2007

Student from Tower Hamlets College, 2007
In Spring 2007 artist Layla Curtis worked with students at Tower Hamlets College to explore the concept of mapping by looking at themes such as: Memory – how our memory/ knowledge of the places important to us varies from person to person and the effect this has on how we then map a place. How mapping can be subjective and the appearance of maps/ information included in a map can depend on who is doing the mapping. Differing world views - how each of our experiences of the world and how we see it visually is slightly different. And the types of boundaries are present in traditional cartography their own personal cartographic boundaries.
Thanks for this very creative blog !
Please visit http://cartomane.blog.lemonde.fr/
for other maps...
Thanks for this very creative blog ! Please visit
http://cartomane.blog.lemonde.fr/ to see other maps...
(sorry if you received this comment two or three times, was not sure my google account was active)
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